Academy Support Center
Your point of contact for course administration and room hire
The Academy Support Centre (ASC) assists the various offices of the Swiss Safety Center and SVTI with course administration, from registration through to issuing certificates. The ASC is also responsible for room hire.
The team at the Academy Support Centre is responsible for organising a wide range of courses and events. ((Verlinkung)). The team works closely with the course instructors and serves as their point of contact for administrative matters relevant to courses and conferences.
Andri Jost
Head of Academy Support Center and Personal Certification
Olivia Radel
Room and event administration
DE / FR / IT / EN
Flamur Ramadani
Exam and course administration
Rejhana Avdispahic
Course Administration
Adina Saiya Lang
Apprentice Academy Support Center & Marketing
The rooms managed by the Swiss Safety Centre Academy can be hired both from within the organisation and by external businesses.